Coronavirus lockdown requirements have forced a staggering number of companies to ask their employees to work from home. This widespread adoption of remote working will almost certainly normalize the practice for many multinational companies — and cultures — that had previously shunned it. Many employees will in turn want to continue working from home so they can achieve greater work-life balance, live in desirable areas and get other associated benefits.
Much of the available guidance on implementing remote-work policies and practices focuses on promoting employee engagement, communication and productivity. This is understandable and appropriate, but there’s another critical and often overlooked element to managing a remote workforce, especially when managing remote workers in other countries: compliance with local laws. Employing a single person who works from home in another country puts your organization at risk of triggering obligations related to corporate and individual tax, social security, work permits, visas and more.
Some of these cross-border compliance risks may have diminished during the pandemic, as some authorities are deferring income tax, social security and other deadlines to provide relief to individuals and employers. As the pandemic winds down and global economic conditions revert to normal, however, enforcement will become more stringent and the related compliance risks of maintaining a cross-border remote workforce will increase.
In this webinar, our experts will tell you what you need to consider when employing remote workers in another country, so you can lower your compliance risks while retaining your valued employees. Here’s some of what they’ll cover:
Presented by:
Tuesday May 26, 2020
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Tuesday, May 26, 2020