International Film Showcase is excited to introduce the film “After Love,” directed by British writer/director Aleem Khan! The film showcases themes of the complexities of love, grief, and community. It will start running at the Orinda Theater on January 10th. There will also be screenings at the Jarvis Conservatory on January 18th at 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM.
Contact the theaters, or check their websites, for updated tickets and screening times. To stay tuned on our film updates, be sure to follow us on Facebook (International Film Showcase) and Instagram (@international_film_showcase).
Synopsis: “After Love" tells the story of Mary Hussain, a middle-aged woman who discovers her husband Ahmed has a secret family living in France after he suddenly dies. As she grapples with her grief, she finds herself drawn to Ahmed's wife, Genevieve, and their troubled teenage son, Solomon, forging unexpected connections while navigating the complexities of her late husband's hidden life.
The International Film Showcase, an arm of the Lamorinda Film and Entertainment Foundation (LFEF) began in January 2011 presenting a local area premiere of an acclaimed international film not available on home media or television for one week a month. The posters below are of films the Showcase has already screened. Some of these films will never become available to rent or buy. Please join us as we continue to support crowd pleasing entertainment from around the world!
Saturday Jan 18, 2025
4:00 PM - 9:00 PM PST
Jarvis Conservatory
1711 Main Street, Napa, CA 94559