Startup Grind

Startup Grind


TechnologyBusiness Level Members

About Us

This is Startup Grind.

We are the world’s largest startup community.

Startup Grind was founded in 2010 when our founder, Derek Andersen got some friends and fellow entrepreneurs together to crack the same problem they were all facing: the growing challenges of launching a company. What became clear was these obstacles were extensive and stretched far beyond their group. Their gatherings soon spurred a local startup movement that attracted founders and experts from every industry, all coming together to share their advice and inspirations for early entrepreneurs. Eventually, vibrant Startup Grind communities (“chapters”) began developing in Los Angeles, Tel Aviv, London, New York, Beijing, and many more.

Our community proves that entrepreneurs are in fact, stronger together. We aim to give startups everywhere the education and opportunities they need to build, grow, and scale their companies.

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James Gee
Global Partnerships Manager